This type of meal is similar to a Gazpacho (a gazpacho is a cold soup traditionally made from a base of tomatoes, peppers and other vegetables). This soup uses cucumber as a base and builds on the flavour with celery for some saltiness, avocado for creaminess, chilli for some spice and fresh dill for a unique refreshing kick.
The words “cold” and “soup” in the same sentence usually leaves people feeling confused and can make them cringe. I definitely used to react this way. Once I finally got around to giving this type of recipe a try though, I realised how absolutely delicious it can be! I like to tell people it’s just like a smoothie bowl – only savoury.
This recipe is super quick and easy while also being jam-packed full of beautifying nutrients and enzymes which your body will happily soak up. The vibrant green colour of this soup portrays how chlorophyl and mineral-rich it is. The ingredients are very alkalising and detoxifying, helping the body eliminate toxins while leaving you feeling balanced, focused and energised.
It’s not necessary, but I dolloped some raw homemade coconut yogurt on top which gives this dish an extra creamy and refreshing twist. You can do the same or also add some chopped avocado and tomato pieces for texture.
You can share this with someone as an entree or have it as a meal all to yourself. Enjoy!
Detoxifying Green Soup
This refreshing green soup is chock full of mineral-rich vegetables that will leave you feeling energised and super healthy.
- 1 cup filtered/spring water
- 1 cucumber
- 1/2 stalk celery
- 1/2 large avocado
- 1/4 red onion
- 2 stalks fresh dill
- Juice of 1 lemon
- 1 clove garlic
- chilli powder (to taste)
- Blend all ingredients until smooth and creamy.
- Dollop some coconut yogurt on top or chopped vegetables like tomatoes or avocado for extra texture.