Chocolate fudge brownies that are sure to satisfy ANY chocolate craving.
Can you believe all of these words can even go together!?
This recipe is so ridiculously simple. There are only six ingredients and no blenders or food processors are involved.
To ensure these turn out to be the healthiest and best tasting fudge pieces, I suggest investing in high quality ingredients. Make sure all the ingredients are one hundred precent organic. The oil and cacao powder should be raw, too. Try and find sultanas which haven’t had any oil added to them and make sure the nuts are as fresh as possible. You can also try using toasted nut butter or nuts for a deeper and more intense flavour if you’d prefer.
These chocolate fudge pieces are smooth like silk and melt in your mouth, while the sultanas and nuts give a delicious chewy texture. YUM!
Easy Raw Chocolate Fudge Brownies
- 1/2 cup coconut oil (melted)
- 1/2 cup raw cacao powder
- 1/2 cup maple syrup
- 6 tbsp nut butter (almond, cashew etc.)
- 1/2 cup sultanas
- 1/2 cup nuts of your choice (almonds, cashews etc. (lightly chopped))
- Mix all ingredients in a large bowl and pour into container approx. 26 x 17cm depending on desired thickness.
- Pop in the fridge for 1 hour, then take out and cut into squares.
- Freeze for a minimum of 2 hours before eating.
These melt very quickly at room temperature because of the coconut oil, so be sure to keep them in the freezer, and consume shortly after taking out.